First, let me say Happy New Year to all our supporters and friends. We will be entering into our fifith year in February and want to thank all who help us to continue the work at our exotic bird sanctuary, M.A.R.S..
   As you can see by the pic on the left, the chair is always waiting for me to sit and the laptop to begin writing about something here at our Florida Parrot Rescue M.A.R.S..(excuse me for a minute birds are yelling ).
   Well back to writing. Five A.M. is usually the best time to try as all are quiet and calm and not demanding anything yet. It is cold out and they are still hunkered down in their boxes with the blankets inside them. Smart creatures the Macaws, Cockatoos, and Amazons are and so appreciative of the warmth till the sun comes up an provides heat for the rest of the day.
    I usually talk about warm and good things we make in the kitchen here at M.A.R.S. and today especially due to the cold spell, we are having bananna walnut pancakes. Cheep to make and delicious for all the birds.(They love them almost as much as the french toast.)
The work at the parrot sanctuary is on going, and daily. There is always a job or a project that needs doing.(Another blog right ?) But to put it in basic terms, writing a blog, which is a good way to ask for donations and help to keep the rescue operating strong and efficiently, is one of the most difficult things to provide time for.
So please bare with this Director as she is now searching for a co- writer and computer wizzard to get some stories flowing, so all of you can be a part what goes on here at Melbourne Avian Rescue Sanctuary. As always I ask that you continue to support our cause wih your donations, and sponsorships of our non or less adoptable birds,(another blog for another time).
Thank-you for reading and don’t forget to check out our facebook page( Florida Parrot Rescue M.A.R.S.) and of course please hit the lifetime like button!!! New pics of new birds for adoption to be posted soon.
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