Sometimes, unfortunately, I discover, what should and could be very easy for some to do, becomes a major obstacle for my somewhat limited skills. Perseverance truly ruled the day and we are connected to Instagram. Now I need to be able to provide to all of those who follow Melbourne Avian Rescue Sanctuary the link, […]
Angel the Moluccan has Diabetes mellitus.
A long overdue HELLO, to all who might be reading this. At some point, I think over a year ago, I decided to put all my available posting time into our Facebook-Meta page. Florida Parrot. Rescue M.A.R.S. With such a venue available to us, and garnering so many followers and likes, it seemed the only […]
Rebecca Lind is so close to winning the title and cover of Ms Health and Fitness
To all of you who are still sticking with us during this very long drawn out contest, we cannot thank you enough. You are making this win happen. Rebecca Lind is right now in second place, and we need to get her to the first place spot. Voting daily, sharing and sharing again to get […]
10,000.00 to MARS If Rebecca Lind wins the title of Ms Health and Fitness
Hello Everyone, Â Rebecca Lind made it to the final eight. This will be the absolutely the last voting period and here is all the info for when it restarts. We can do this together so please everyone once again keep voting and sharing
This is a plea to help us get 10,000.00
It’s been a long time since I have turned to this venue. For that I sincerely apologize. So much happens here on a daily basis and there is so much to constantly do with the birds and all that is related to the world of rescue and it is sometimes so very overwhelming. Face book […]