Well it’s not that easy being a bird when the choices are so many here at M.A.R.S.. Should it be a cozy sleepy pouch, a warm quilted blanket, or should I wait for a new box? Oh well, you help me decide, in the meantime I will try them out. Perhaps I should hold out for […]
It’s that time again, food, food, food
Feed store run next Friday the 14th. All the goodies necessary to keep the M.A.R.S. avian members healthy and happy. The amount needed $676.40. Please consider a donation to help cover the cost of our feed. We are extremely grateful to all those who can contribute. Â Please remember this amount is needed every six weeks. […]
The 12th night is here, time to put away all the holiday cheer.
Time to pack away all the trappings of the Christmas season. Time to keep all the wonderful memories close to your heart. Time to thank family and friends for simply being the amazing people that they are.  A  final Happy New Year, from all here at Melbourne Avian Rescue Sanctuary. Our big wish, is that everyone continue to […]
A frosty day in a Florida town, Melbourne Beach,what to do??????
Needless to say the residents of M.A.R.S. woke up to a cold morning. So to put a smile on their faces, warm, buttered zoo pasta from World Market. All the parrots had boxes with blankets inside of them to hide from the cold, but the pasta really made them warm on the inside. The Macaws and […]
With a voice as big as the sea, and yes that would be Stella
We here at M.A.R.S. had the joy of boarding a truly amazing bird this year. To experience life with a larger than life bird, one must understand that the vocals of that bird might actually match the size of that bird. Such was the case with Stella, a big, beautiful, vibrant blue Hyacinth Macaw with […]