Today was all about sprucing up the outside visitor area here at our exotic parrot rescue, M.A.R.S. I was going about my task of carefully placing some very colorful artsy pieces,  all purchased from a recent estate sale and by chance glanced upward. Paco and Woody were high up on their favorite perch preening each other and enjoying some […]
M.A.R.S. is refreshing our curb side look, and our Facebook header.
Some times it’s the little things that can really grab your attention. At times you wonder if it could be a new sign or a new paint job or the fact that it just looks like someone cares. To keep things that are older looking shiny and new, IS BY NO MEANS AN EASY TASK!!!! That is especially […]
How do you Surrender a Parrot to M.A.R.S.?
Although we have our official web site, many Facebook followers of our Florida based exotic bird rescue continue to ask this very question. Like my recent blog on “What is Birdy Boot Camp, which I hope you all read or will read, I decided a quick explanation of our parrot surrender procedure was a good idea for […]
What are the most wonderful words for today “SOLD OUT”
M.A.R.S. is happy to say our special fund raising event this Sunday the 18th at Davids’ Steak and Seafood in Melbourne Beach, is “SOLD OUT”. Parrots in Paradise, reached maximum capacity for this venue. To all the AMAZING ladies who worked so hard to make this happen, WOW!!,  To everyone who supports us and will be joining us for this […]
OK, What is “Birdy Boot Camp”???
Birdy Boot Camp is primarly a program we have developed here at M.A.R.S. to help exotic bird owners who have reached an impass point with their feathered family member. The main question at hand, is two fold, one, they are looking for solutions to help keep their parrot in their home, or two, the possible need to surrender their parrot to M.A.R.S. Our […]