Anyone who follows M.A.R.S. knows we are attempting to fill our tree with lots of toys and goodies for the birds. We are so happy to report some good news to all of you. Yesterday, Jennifer and Greg Groll brought a box of bird toys to get us off to a wonderful start to this […]
exotic bird rescue
Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree…..
M.A.R.S. Parrots on Pinterest!
For those of us who can’t get enough of looking at gorgeous parrot pictures M.A.R.S now has a page on Pinterest! Check out our page (created by my sister Leslie and fellow Parrot pinner!), follow our board  and REPIN to help spread the  M.A.R.S word!
What does a pumpkin patch, a few parrots and a pirate have in common?
    October for one thing, and what do we all love about October? EVERYTHING!!    The colors of Fall are everywhere. The fact that we live in Florida might mean you have to look a little harder to find them but they are there for all of us to seek out and enjoy. So here is a […]
How do you Surrender a Parrot to M.A.R.S.?
Although we have our official web site, many Facebook followers of our Florida based exotic bird rescue continue to ask this very question. Like my recent blog on “What is Birdy Boot Camp, which I hope you all read or will read, I decided a quick explanation of our parrot surrender procedure was a good idea for […]